Mazi Mporoume


Developing national and European programs has networked us and given us impetus to both institutions and society.

Programs and partnerships with agencies

In 2013, we were certified as an organization with the Structure of the Together with We Can Do CPAE and this is the first collaboration with the General Secretariat for Youth in 2014 with a program of mass sports. European programs for training visits to Northern Europe followed for training in new disability management techniques. In 2015, there was a program with the Bodosaki Foundation and in 2016 the first collaboration with EETA and the first NSRF, for the CDDA for 22 children benefiting from 4-17 years old. The Latsi Foundation came to support with a program for professional inclusion of adults with disabilities in collaboration with GRANT. At the same time, the ERASMUS + K1 programs have given us the opportunity to work with like-minded organizations abroad and to organize joint actions.


For the period 2023-2024, the Creative Employment Center for disabled children "Mazi Mporoume" has 34 minors up to 18 years of age.

Launches a major program aimed at integrating people with disabilities into local businesses in our county in collaboration with GRANT and our nation's renowned institution


General Secretariat for Youth

Mass sport program

Bodosakis Foundation

Program Manager EE GRANTS

Liatsis Foundation

Adult Vocational Integration Program

Harmonization of Family and Business Life

EETSA Program (ESPA)


Visit and presentation in Liechtenstein

4 Study visits

In Northern Europe Norway – Iceland through European programs for training for people with disabilities.