Mazi Mporoume


External Program

Through the KDAP – Disabled we try to approach the disability with a more extrovert look, through the relationship and interaction with the neighborhood, the community and society in general. With this in mind, we created the weekly external community program for our teenagers, with the main goal of developing social skills that are important in promoting functional communication and socially acceptable behavior. Trainers choose and organize each external action in terms of suitability, team goals and fun. Teenagers are called upon to develop these skills not only within the KDAP but also in different environments with a view to generalizing them. It should be noted that in each outing, children are taught to circulate responsibly and safely on the streets following traffic regulations and also manage money on occasion. In this context, various educational actions were successfully completed with the support of hospitable institutions and businesses such as:

Knowing Automotive

Points of the City

Confectionery Courses

Super heroes

We learn about plants


Caretta caretta

Enjoying Music

Everyday Life Skills

During the course of the program, individualized but also within a group, training in daily life skills, self-service skills and autonomous living skills. Our goal is for teenagers to gain maximum autonomy in performing daily activities such as eating, cooking, hygiene, daily work in the area (sweeping, mopping), shopping etc.

Psycho-pedagogical program

There are structured group and individual psycho-pedagogical programs, with activities targeted and tailored to the needs of each child. Children are encouraged to strengthen acquired skills and set new goals!

Creative activities

At KDAP People with Disabilities we miss an opportunity to create imaginative structures and handicrafts, to cook, to make sweets but to join musical or sporting activities!

Parental counseling

Considering that by supporting the family, we support the child from the very first year of operation of the KDAP, the counseling of parents, either at an individual or at a team level, was introduced into the program.